Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship
Restorative Justice: Affective Statements for Digital Citizenship Affective statements are personal expressions of feelings in response to others’ positive or negative behaviors. They are also alternative expressions to judgmental comments that can lead to confrontation, arguments or further conflict.
The following affective statements can be utilized to help students reflect on their feelings about digital citizenship:
- When I use my phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer responsibly, I create a safe environment for others.
- I feel like a supportive classmate and a good student when I offer positive feedback online.
- Expressing friendly language online makes me feel positive about myself and my classmates.
- I feel courageous when I tell my teacher or a responsible adult about cyberbullying.
- I am disappointed when my learning is interrupted (stopped) because of cyberbullying.
- I feel like a responsible student when I use appropriate websites for learning and I feel good about my digital footprint.
- I feel smart when I follow copyright laws and cite my sources.
- I expect people to respect my boundaries, even online.
- I feel knowledgeable when I am able to explain to my friends how their posts are really “permanent” on social media.
- When I am at home, I feel accomplished when I show my parents/guardians the great work I’ve completed online.