Emergency Protocols
Emergency Protocols
These emergency protocols will help ensure the safety of all staff and students. Understanding and familiarizing yourself with these protocols will help to minimize injury, expedite reunions, account for all individuals, and communicate quickly and clearly.
For all situations:
- Ensure the school always has your current email and phone number (a mobile number if available).
- Register for a parent portal account .
- Onsite emergency evacuation location: main recess yard.
- In the event of a relocation, our primary offsite location is 1st Impression Dance Studio at 3100 Gilroy Street, 90039.
- If necessary, the school has established a request and a reunion gate for families to pick up their children. At the request gate families identify themselves and who they are picking up, then proceed to the reunion gate to pick up their student (see map below).
- Unless necessary, to maintain order and safety families will not be permitted on campus.
- Please know that communication from the school may be delayed during an emergency. Keeping families informed is important and the school will update families as soon as possible. Please refrain from the calling the main office or contacting teachers as this may prevent the school from communicating internally and with outside emergency services.
Green Star: Request Gate
Blue Star: Union Gate

1st Impression Dance Studio
3100 Gilroy St, 90039
In the event of an earthquake, all students first drop/cover/hold. After the quaking, all students will be evacuated to the main yard and teams of school staff will search for and rescue any missing students, students remaining in classrooms, or any injured students. Because the first priority is safety and accounting for all students and staff, there may be an initial delay in communicating updates to families. Office phones might also be down. However, keeping families updated and informed is essential and families will be updated at the phone number and email address provided as soon as the safety of all students is addressed. Where do families go to pick up their child after an earthquake?
This is a two-step process:
- Families should first go to the staff parking lot gate on Gleneden Street (green star below). You will notify school staff who you are and who you are picking up. You will be informed at this time of any injuries and if emergency services have been contacted for your child.
- Proceed up the hill to the dismissal gate to pick up your child (blue star below).

If necessary to ensure safety, students may be relocated away from the school. Our primary offsite location is 1st Impression Dance Studio at 3100 Gilroy Street, 90039 (see map above).
If a threat of violence or gunfire is identified on or near Allesandro campus, the school uses a "lockdown" protocol. All staff and students stay inside their locked classrooms, remain quiet, and move away from windows. If students are outside the classroom at recess or lunch (or for any other reason), they are to quickly proceed to the nearest classroom or office. All students are then accounted for and communication is maintained between the office and each classroom. If there is an active shooter on campus a rapid relocation (to 1st Impression Dance Studio) may be considered if it is the safest option for all students, given factors such as age and ability.
Families will be notified with updates at the phone number and email on file as soon as possible. If necessary, the school will use the same request and reunion gates as described above.
In the event of a fire, students evacuate to the main yard quickly and quietly. All students and staff are accounted for. Families will be notified ASAP.
In the event of airborne contaminants or other environmental dangers, students will remain in their classrooms. The school will shutdown HVAC units to prevent outside air from entering the rooms.